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​Our services​

Doctors and nurse appointments

We provide appointments aimed at optimising mental and physical wellbeing, as well as reducing disabilities. Our focus is also on preventing disease.

Medical Licences

Drivers, diving, pre-employment medical examinations.

Minor procedures

- Long acting forms of contraception (copper IUD, jadelle, mirena)
- Excision of skin lesions
- Ingrown nail procedures
- Steroid injections

Other services

24 hour Blood Pressure
Audiology (hearing check)
Cervical smear
Dermalite (clinical photos of skin lesions)
Foot Clinic
Injection (of prescription medications)
IV Treatment
Liquid Nitrogen
Sexual Health Check
Specialist referral
Spirometry (currently not available due to COVID-19)
Suture Removal

South City Health Travel Medicine

Provide advice on upcoming travel (tailored to different countries you are visiting), and any recommendations on travel vaccines. We also administer travel vaccines at our clinic.

Dr Mark Taylor is now offering Travel Medicine Clinics at South City Health. Mark has been medical director at Worldwise Travellers Health and Vaccination Centre for over 20 years, before COVID-19 changed everything.  

Clinic appointments are now available on Wednesday mornings at South City Health, where a full travel medicine service is available.

This includes;

  • Full travel Medicine consultations.

  • Yellow Fever vaccination and certification and waiver certification when appropriate.

  • Rabies vaccination - including rapid rabies regime, intra-dermal regimes and intramuscular regimes.

  • Malaria prophylaxis.

  • Up to date diarrhoea prevention and treatment options.

  • Zika, dengue, shistosomiasis prevention

  • Elderly, pregnancy and lactation, paediatric travel

  • Altitude and adventure travel (a speciality)

 South City Travel Medicine offers a virtual (video only) option, which can be particularly useful for travellers from rural or distant locations.

For appointments, call South City Health on 07-838-2323