We are taking New Patients
We have multiple GPs working at our practice, with a wide scope of special interests. We are welcoming new patients and provide the option of virtual and in clinic consultations.
Please phone reception (07) 838 2323 for more details or visit South City Health at 91 Kahikatea Drive in Melville, Hamilton.
What we offer

Accessing GP care if you have respiratory symptoms
If you have had any of these in the last week: Cough/Cold like symptoms, Fever, Sore throat, Body aches/headaches, Runny nose, Nausea and/or vomiting, Diarrhoea then…
All consultations require a 'virtual first' appointment (via phone or video consultation). If required, we will arrange to see you in clinic after this consultation, at a time/date that suits.
Phone reception (07) 838 2323 to book an appointment.
For COVID-19 testing, phone through to the nurses via (07) 838 2323. We only provide a drive through testing station for our registered patients. We are currently not Covid Vaccinating.
We are still here for you though so please don’t put off getting in touch if you’re unwell.